Don't Panic!
A megagame for 60+ players about aliens, espionage and global mayhem
Game Description
"It is the year 2026. UFO sightings have long been decried as the hallucinations of the mad, or the exaggerations of the kooky conspiracy theorist. But the presence of extraterrestrials is an inescapable truth! Soon, this ultimate discovery will be revealed to the world as a whole: humanity is not alone in the universe!
In order to keep this ultimate secret under wraps, an emergency international meeting has been called. You, representing one of the 10 nations and 3 corporations in attendance, will be tasked with finding out once and for all why the aliens are here! But not only that, you'll need to deal with the everyday chaos of life on earth, as well as advancing your own secret national agenda!
And to make matters worse, the Global News Network is peering over your shoulder, just waiting for you to let something slip about the Alien menace - something that will shock the world!
Roles Guide
Who will you be?
The main roles in the game are Nations, Corporations, Global News Network and Xemtonian Aliens. Here's a little info about each of the roles:
Nations are made up of Heads of State, Chiefs of Defense, Foreign Ministers and Chief Scientists.
Heads of State are responsible for national strategy, co-ordinating the efforts of the team, cutting shady backroom deals with other heads of state, taking command in a crisis, making provocative press releases, planning (mis)information campaigns and taking all the credit for their team's hard work! You'd enjoy playing this role if you are more of a strategic thinker, if you enjoy leadership and if you can take the blame for bad decisions.
Chiefs of Defense are responsible for managing the military, allocating Space Interceptors, dealing with Xemtonian incursions, defending your nation from external threats, justifying your ridiculous military budget to the rest of your team, going to DEFCON 1, engaging in military feints and totally not invading that country over there. You'd enjoy this role if you're a fan of board games, you like making tactical decisions, and you are good at de-escalation.
Foreign Ministers are responsible for attending UN meetings, averting international crises, signing treaties, breaking treaties, making agreements, breaking agreements, justifying why your nation is the best, negotiating with other nations, making plans for world peace, making plans for world domination, alleviating humanitarian issues, and spending your team's money on diplomatic missions of questionable importance. You'd enjoy this role if you are a good social player, enjoy negotiation and deal making, and appreciate the finder points in crafting agreements and coming to compromises.
Chief Scientists are responsible for managing the research sub-game, unlocking new tiers of tools and powers for your team, attending the International Science Conference, awarding Noble Prizes, competing to be Top Scientist, supporting your fellow scientists in their quest for glory, taking all the credit for another's great discoveries. You'd enjoy this role if you are a good social player but also have a head for strategy and working out how you can leverage a shared situation for your own benefit.
Corporations have a Chief Financial Officer and a Chief Operating Officer.
Chief Operating Officers are responsible for the Market Share of the Corporation, and selling the Products that your Corp produces on the open market to the highest bidder. You're ultimately responsible to the shareholders and you'll jealously guard your share price to ensure the line is always going up. You'd enjoy this role if you could sell water to a whale, if you have the gift of the gab and if you can pitch a product in 10 seconds flat.
Chief Financial Officers are responsible for the Share Price of the Corporation, for ensuring there are markets for the myriad products produced by your Corp, for making cutthroat backroom deals with Heads of State while avoiding accusations of bribery and corruption. You'd enjoy this role if you like making numbers get bigger and bigger and watching profit graphs go up and up and up.
The Global News Network has a Editor in Chief and a team of Reporters. You'd enjoy this role if you have an inquisitive mind and don't mind asking the biting questions, if you're ready to blow the lid on this entire conspiracy, and if you never pull punches in your search for the truth.
The Xemtonians have, well, nobody knows as the Xemtonians are a mystery! The Xemtonian players will find out on the day what their mission is. You'd enjoy this role if you like strong role playing elements, co-operative games and wearing strange garments while gibbering in an unintelligible alien language (not compulsory!).